E-Texts are references primarily if not
solely available as electronic documents, available on-line or through
an electronic document reader. E-texts are a developing form of information,
and there are a growing number of e-texts relevant to hand surgery.
As with many Internet projects, hand surgery e-texts have an eclectic sponsorship
and life span, and unlike print publications, Web publications are often
works in progress - published incomplete. An unknown number of e-text
Web sites, such as the Electronic Journal of Orthopedics, have blossomed
only to disappear without a trace. Despite this, online e-texts are a promising
development and can be expected to increase in number and quality. Examples
include e-Radius (13), Wheeless' Textbook
of Orthopaedics (65) , WeB's Hand Surg
(64), Maîtrise Orthopédique
(41) e-Hand (11),
WorldOrtho (67) and the Electronic
Journal of Hand Surgery (15). Several
free commercial orthopedic e-texts exist which include hand and upper extremity
surgery information, such as Medscape Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine