Hands are everywhere, seemingly in everything.
Some of the more interesting and diverse links to hand related topics may
get lost in a large site such as e-Hand, and so are posted here for easy
access. They are in no particular order. Please send a note if you wish
to share an interesting hand related link. Click
here for more fascinating hand trivia. |
http://www.shadow.org.uk/ |
The Shadow Dexterous Hand/Arm: Is this
the best robotic hand in the world? See a video clip of this high tech
robot hand picking up a pint of beer here... |
www.handman.com |
Making sounds with hands! Check out Mr.
Handman's unique talent of making music with his hands. Has to be heard
to be believed. Listen to audio clips here... |
http://writingonhands.org/ |
Writing on Hands: Memory and Knowledge
in Early Modern Europe. Engaging interactive display of a current
exhibition. |

American Society for Surgery of the Hand assh.org
The Best Resource For Your Hands, Period.