Hands are everywhere, seemingly in everything. Some of the more interesting and diverse links to hand related topics may get lost in a large site such as e-Hand, and so are posted here for easy access. They are in no particular order. Please send a note if you wish to share an interesting hand related link. Click here for more fascinating hand trivia.

http://talsaniahands.org/ Dr. Jay Talsania's Mission work providing upper extremity care for children in Guatemala

http://www.pghs.org/science/rubin/anatomy/hand pghs/Mechanical Hand Photos.htm Fred Rubin's project for high school students to construct a functioning mechanical hand with a functioning thumb - Cool!

http://www.shadow.org.uk/ The Shadow Dexterous Hand/Arm: Is this the best robotic hand in the world? See a video clip of this high tech robot hand picking up a pint of beer here...

www.handman.com Making sounds with hands! Check out Mr. Handman's unique talent of making music with his hands. Has to be heard to be believed. Listen to audio clips here...

http://CNN.com... CNN news search for the phrase "carpal tunnel"

http://writingonhands.org/ Writing on Hands: Memory and Knowledge in Early Modern  Europe. Engaging interactive display of a current exhibition.

http://www.google.com/ Google search of images of hands.

http://www.dir.ca.gov/imc/HAND.HTML California Industrial Medical Council recommendations on evaluation and management of hand problems.

http://www.aboutonehandtyping.com/ About One Hand Typing and Keyboarding - Resources, Instructions and Motivation.

http://www.e-hand.com/CLP/jlodanim.gif Animated directions for making the "Jacob's Ladder" with a loop of string.

http://www.geocities.com... Computer generated hand animation project.

The Hand : How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture Fascinating treatise on the pivotal position of the hand in our lives and minds by Frank R. Wilson.  (July 1998)

http://www.madacademy.com.au/tla/ True Life Anatomy - 3D reconstructions.

http://www.e-hand.com/clf/clf522.htm Etymology of English Hand Words

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